
The female fight for emancipation and equal employment rights has brought on many great things that our generations are deeply grateful for, but it has pushed new issues to the fore. As everything in life is about balance, women today (seems like more than ever) are struggling to balance their much desired successful careers and motherhood.

It’s a sad and slightly disturbing fact that in these modern times having a child can be a real career killer and over two thirds of employed women claim that having children hindered their career progress and that after returning to work, they were deemed “less employable”, or even felt their job was under threat.


Parental guilt 101



If the mother guilt still continues, try to focus on the positive aspects and do your best to be proactive in the time that you do have to spend with your child, such as the weekends when you can ease up on the chores and do things with your child that you all love. Alternatively, create a more flexible working schedule and pick your child up earlier if possible and spend quality time together.



Dealing with parental guilt is not an easy task, but child care centres take pride in the fact that they are able to create an environment that is nurturing to a child’s physical, emotional and intellectual growth, so leaving your child in such a place should be considered a positive choice, not a source of worry and guilt.

找到一个可靠且高质量的护理中心,使您的孩子有机会成长和成长。因此,您的最终选择应该是提供出色的计划和活动的设施,例如注册您的孩子in Young Explorers Early Learning Centre。这样,就可以知道您的孩子在正确的位置,您将能够松了一口气。


Losing affordable and reliable childcare is a loss in all aspects of life: you are denied the opportunity to finish your education, get a degree and work, your child misses out on the chance to develop in a stimulating environment, and if you’re in a two-income household, you may have to give up on one in order for one of you to stay at home and take care of the kids.



好处of investing in children and women go far beyond just societal benefits. When you take into consideration the possible future costs of crime, unemployment and poor health to the society, initial costs of child care per each child give a clear return on investment of about eight dollars.

In addition,studies show multiple benefits从获得负担得起的托儿服务:高质量课程的孩子在教育中保持更长的状态,健康状况更好,寿命稍长。


The time has definitely come to remove the negative connotations from the phrase “working mom”. We need to join forces and, as a society, find the best way to help them out. The corporate world needs to implement better and clearer maternity policies, with well-thought-out plans for returning to work, and society itself needs to stop frowning at people’s different choices when it comes to raising children. The most practical solution is to invest wisely into good quality early child care, affordable for all. It may be costly initially, but the long-term benefits to the overall well-being of the whole society will outweigh the short-term hits to the budget.


Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes that a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. She enjoys life to the fullest in the healthiest way possible and loves to share her insights into a lifestyle, parenting, education, and entrepreneurship. Feel free to reach her onFacebookand推特


Children are naturally curious; they want to know about stuff. However, when you’re trying to teach them in detail, they soon often lose their attention. Traditional education, in particular, is not doing any good to spark their desire for studying. Everything revolves around testing and grades, and that’s scary for the child.



Whenever they tell you something they learned, a sincere and simple compliment like “Awesome!” or “Great job!” will be enough to keep them going.


2. Show Them That Knowledge Is Relevant


When they are aware of the relevance of the things they learn, the information will stay with them longer. They will be more interested to know about the world around them.

3. Sign Them Up for Extracurriculars


课外人员似乎绝不应该受到惩罚。只需弄清楚他们想做什么,并注册他们,以进行与音乐,体育,艺术,戏剧,社会服务或其他引起他们注意的任何活动有关的有趣活动。通过这些活动,您的孩子会发展multidimensional intelligence



You’ll get them even more inspired if you connect them with a professional editor, tutor or proofreading services, such as语法或者Essay On Time。Typically, proofreading companies employ professional editors and teachers having a friendly approach to children. Thus, when kids see their mistakes corrected, they improve their writing style.

5. Set Long-Term Goals

“If we learn this biology lesson and we continue learning, we’ll know how our bodies work in less than a year.”

With this approach, you’re giving your child a very specific goal and a sense of accomplishmentwithout the study stress。那是激励的好方法!






“Mom, who made the first TV?”


The Internet is an immense knowledge base, so you can both learn something new. Don’t let the learning process revolve solely around the curriculum. Enable them to learn whatever they want.


If the tablet or smartphone is anywhere near when your kid is trying to study, the devices will distract their attention. If you’re talking with someone on the phone, you’ll be distracting them. If the TV is on, it will distract them.



Your little one loves a cartoon character? Why don’t you find a book that features that character? Stock up on the interesting fiction and read a little every single day. If your child already knows how to read, you can have family reading time every day. You’ll read your own books, so you’ll inspire them to focus on their reading.

10. Reward the Good Results




史蒂文·卫斯理(Steven Wesley)是ESL在线老师和教育博客作者。他对心理学,新闻业以及教育,技术和政治问题感兴趣。此外,史蒂文(Steven)相信笔的强大力量改变了现代世界。见他推特andFacebook



There are tons of factors to consider when purchasing a mattress for your little one. Like the build-up, size, colors, comfort, safety, and many more. Since the bones of a child are still expanding and growing, their bed should be able to give enough support to prevent any spine problems in the course of time.

为您的孩子购买床垫是一个非常重要的决定,因为它会极大地影响他们。要获得一些帮助,请阅读下面的列表,以便能够为您的小孩子选择合适的床垫。根据舒适度,您需要选择是否需要盒子里的毛绒床垫或者a firm one.






Most of the time,kids aged two and three已经可以从婴儿床床垫过渡到一张大床。而且,如果您正在考虑耐用性和长寿,那么最好选择双床或全尺寸的床。

These beddings are perfect when you are studying to save lots of space. Plus they will work well if you have more kids sharing a bedroom. Furthermore, it will certainly last until your child becomes an adult.




Jonathan Prichard,MatressInsider.comCEO recommends looking into custom-made bedding as that allows you to control exactly what and how you get for your child.



一个简单而普通的平台肯定在每个方面都很好儿童卧室。作为such, it allows you to refrain utilizing box spring, and as a return you save money. But if you are thinking about buying a traditional bed frame, you will also need to buy a durable box spring.



To be able to pick the perfect mattress for your kiddos, you need to think like you are purchasing a mattress for yourself. Choosing the perfect mattress is quintessential because it can help your kids have proper posture and bone strength. It may be challenging, but they are a must. Read the above tips to be able to buy the perfect mattress for your children.




Read also:How To Select The Right Mattress for Your Child


Photography gift certificate

Whether it’s for her favorite local photographer or a larger portrait studio, the mama-to-be will surely be grateful for this gift.

It will take some of the pressure off of her to document baby’s first few months knowing that she’s guaranteed gorgeous photos. Pair the gift certificate with a sweet picture frame for that first shot of her little one.


汽车组织者can be used in the car or with a stroller and is super handy for keeping all of the essentials within reach. It even has a spot to hold your tablet and insulated pockets for snacks! Save her sanity by helping keep her car clean and organized with this clever addition.


She’ll love using dividers during her nesting phase to sort all of the sweet outfits she received at her shower.



妈妈有时会犹豫要在护理胸罩上花很多钱,最终戴着廉价的胸罩,这不会让他们感觉很好。用一个优质护理胸罩这是时尚的颜色,她会感觉更好地穿上它 - 即使她几天没洗澡。

Mom and Baby Hygiene kit

听起来可能很粗糙,但是新父母知道Nosefrida Snotsucker的工作就像魅力!有些套件包括臭名昭著的鼻烟器以及新妈妈的交付后美容产品,在最初的几天里,她一定会喜欢的。




Figuring out what to wear on a first date is one thing, but knowing what type of问一个男人的问题第一次约会至关重要,确定整个“关系”的未来。

The minute someone catches your eye, you can’t help but want to ‘do’ things with that person, go on a date,认识他。那个人有些事让您着迷,以至于您想穿一件漂亮的衣服,花时间使头发看起来很棒,并确保您以第一次约会的名义闻到美味的味道。





因此,当试图准备你的第一次约会coming up with possible questions, don’t forget to add the following suggestions to your list:


This particular question isn’t necessary to figure out how much he earns on a monthly basis but to get a glimpse of who he is or who he aspires to be.


You can tell whether a person is ambitious or has certain goals by finding out how they spend their time on a daily basis.

2. Who has the biggest influence in your life?


3. Do you have specific goals?

You become who you choose to spend your time with. Thus, finding someone who is goal driven will enable you to become the type of ambitious person who only settles for the best.



4. Are you a family man?





His biggest pet peeve could possibly be something that you do on a regular basis. It could be something silly that you don’t see yourself putting up with.


6. What do you enjoy doing most after hours?







You may be the person who ticks a few boxes or you’re nothing he’s looking for.



However, figuring out whether he’s looking for someone to distract him from his miserable life or if he’s looking for someone special to supplement it will help you to determine if it’s worth entering into a relationship with him in the first place.

9. Do any of my questions to ask a guy make you feel uncomfortable or concerned?

Does it seem as if he’s hiding anything? Maybe he’s a shy guy and doesn’t feel comfortable sharing personal details about his life with you.



Depending on how strong your sweet tooth is, it’s always beneficial to know that he won’t clean out your secret stash. It’s a silly but fun question to ask that could be the foundation of other interesting questions to follow.

Perhaps he hates巧克力蛋糕。你不知道选择巧克力调味for his next birthday cake. Silly but quite helpful in the long run and definitely a great way to lighten the conversation.

11. What should I know about you that I’d never think to ask?

When it comes to finding appropriate and unique questions to ask a guy on a first date, it’s impossible to think of every single important question.

He knows himself best, so by putting him in charge, he’s able to offer an interesting perspective on his life that you may not even have thought of. It’s a great way to get to know someone without having to dig.




However, the purpose of having specific questions on hand is to find out whether you share the same goals and timeline.

Whether you’re ready to start a family in five years and he’s thinking more about opening a business or you’re close with your family and he couldn’t quite care less about spending holidays with relatives, those are all important facts to figure out before becoming too attached.


Remember to have fun!

Think Before Buying: 5 Essential Items for a Baby Nursery


It may be quite complicated to examine and determine which pieces are truly worth buying because of the many options available. However, there are essential items that can help you all throughout the process.

There are a lot of things to do when preparing for your baby’s arrival and purchasing all the essential items is one of them. But what exactly do you need? For a little help, listed below are five quintessential items for a baby nursery.


Of course, babies go through lots of changes every day, making a baby dresser is an essential element in a nursery room. With this type of家具,您可以轻松地组织所有宝宝的东西并正确存储。

But before buying one, identify the items you’re going to put in it. Meaning, if you have tons of smaller items, it is best to shop for a baby dresser with numerous drawers. But if you need a dresser for storing large things, then go for a double dresser with six drawers.



现在用吨的设计和风格, selecting the perfect baby crib can be a stressful task. Thus, it is much better if you know your price range and then chooses what features are most significant to you.

而且,知道有一些安全标准any baby crib should meet. A safe and secure baby crib should have a firm, unshakeable mattress. It must have no broken or missing materials and no hole cut in the footboards or headboards.

Read also:How To Create A Kid-Friendly Bathroom

If you happen to have a used baby crib, make sure to check it thoroughly to be certain that it will not cost your baby’s safety. Take care of all worn-out pieces or any missing hardware because it might endanger your baby.




By checking the baby monitor regularly, you can ensure that your child is sleeping luxuriously and see if there are any safety threats, like trapped limbs or loose swaddling. Another surprising benefit is sleep training.



An excellent breastfeeding chair is probably one of the essential things you can buy for your nursery. But it can be the most distressing as well. Should you go for a rocker or a glider? Or a big, comfortable armchair? With tons of options available in the market, choosing the best chair can be pretty much intimidating.

Make sure to find a breastfeeding chair that is wholly comfortable. Believe it or not, you will most likely spend most of your time in your baby’s nursery. Thus, go for a chair that you can certainly live with for the next few months.

Of course, you do not have to nurse your child forever. However, it does not mean that yourbreastfeeding chair不应该持续很长时间。优秀的椅子应该能够承受时间的考验。

Nursery Night-Light

Night-lights can be one of the most beneficial and helpful gadgets for your baby’s nursery. Not only for the baby, but also for you, parents. It will certainly help you keep from tripping or stumbling down every night.

Though these trips are unavoidable, having a reliable nursery night-light can make your movements a lot easier. It will emit enough illumination for you to tend your tasks, but not that bright to wake up your baby.
Here’s a detailed托儿所夜灯指南that will help you to choose the right night light wisely.





丽莎·琼斯(Lisa Jones)是一个博客作者,是两个孩子的母亲。她喜欢写有关育儿,家庭装修,时尚和旅行的文章。狗万手机版在业余时间,丽莎和两个儿子一起度过了一段美好的时光。





Retirement Savings Plan


You can secure your child’s future by helping them prepare for their future retirement plan and by allowing them to understand why they need to start saving money early. You can also take some burden or problem off of them when you eventually stop working.

Seek some financial advice from companies like作为he Morganto help you save for the future of your kids in a way that is healthy and interesting. You can easily save for the retirement plan of your children utilizing different investment schemes like Child Plan.

Enlist for a Life Insurance

Signing up for life insurance是大多数父母非常不愿接受的事情之一。他们经常认为,如果他们获得人寿保险,他们就准备好死了。这听起来很有趣,但这是他们害怕抓住这种机会的众多原因之一。


There are lots of ways to purchase life insurance for your kids. For example, you can buy a term life insurance policy covering you, your spouse, and your kids. Or you can go for a permanent life insurance policy including your child’s life.




不允许您的孩子犯错或失败意味着他们不了解风险。如果是这样,他们将无法承担正确的风险或知道concept of failing这是包括所有内容并缩短的。




Once known, this will help you get a real and sensible target amount, and prepare for the education of your children when they grow up. For some countries, education costs so much. Though education is one of the means to have an affluent life, its increasing price is beyond the capability for some.

Thanks to these helpful websites because now you can plan and prepare for the future education of your children. Thus, it is much easier for you to choose what kind of investment plan to get.

