Remain in a Good Shape Beside Work, Family and an Active Social Life


Planning ahead



Stop making excuses

If you keep telling yourself things like “I’m too busy to start today, I’ll start next week,” before you know it, weeks and months will have passed and you will not be able to get round to it. The hardest part about exercising is starting it, so don’t think of it as something optional, but rather a priority that is too important to be canceled.

Make your workouts flexible

Not all of us have easy access to a gym or swimming pool, and when you throw in a busy lifestyle into that equation, staying in shape seems nearly impossible. However, there is a solution for everything. If, for example, the weather is too cold for you to ride your bike around the neighborhood, you could检查此运动自行车out and put it in your home for your indoor workouts. You can do many other workouts that don’t involve any equipment as well. Exercising at home is a great alternative for those of you who simply don’t have the time or the opportunity to visit the gym or workout classes.



保持健康isn’t just about exercise, it also involves diet. Of course, it must be really tempting to make it easier for yourself and simply grab a quick (processed) ‘meal’, but you are not doing yourself a favor by it. Instead, start off with small dietary changes such as a snack-swap, for example, where you will replace your junk food with a healthier option such as fruit. Furthermore, try eating stuff that will keep you full for much longer and provide you with more energy, like lean protein, for example. After workouts, eat something rich in potassium, such as banana, in order to replace all that potassium that was lost during the workout. And finally, no matter how busy you are, never skip meals. Prepare them in advance if you need to, but never skip them.


甚至鸟都知道它的重要性水合。Our body is 70 percent water, which means we need around 10 glasses of water DAILY. So, instead of drinking a bottle of coke, try replacing that with a bottle of water. It is both healthier and will make you feel much more energized and stronger.


With all those obligations, it can be quite hard to give your body the rest it needs and deserves. However, being sleep deprived can lead to poor physical health and it can affect your brain by decreasing concentration and social interaction and problem-solving skills. So, in other words, make sure you always have at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

Have fun

Last, but not least – have fun. If it is not fun, you won’t be doing it, so the key is not to think of working out as a chore, but rather as a time for you to detach yourself and eliminate all the stress you are going through. Listen to motivating music, find a workout buddy, do everything you can to make this experience the best it can be.

As you can see, remaining in a good shape is not that hard. All it takes is quality time management and some inspiration, and you will get the results in no time.

安全是最重要的:安全改造建议Bathroom for the Whole Family

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Keeping a house safe isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your home itself can be dangerous for your family if you’re not careful. In the UK, around房屋中有6,000人死亡。Children under five years old and elderlies over sixty-five are more prone to accidents. In Australia, 16% of injuries acquired by children aged five to fourteen years old occurred inside their home.

Out of the rooms in the house, the bathroom is considered one of the most dangerous places where accidents are prone to happen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conveyed in 2011 that 235,000 people (15 years old and above) go the hospital annually because of injuries which happen inside the bathroom.

Assess your home if it’s a safe place for your family, mainly your bathroom. If you see some areas which need improvement, maybe you should consider abathroom renovation。Before you begin, here are some tips to help yourenovate your bathroom并将其变成您的家人的避风港。

Get a walk-in tub

This type has the same function as the usual tub, but it’s designed to be a safer, more comfortable, and more convenient. Some models come with a walk-in door, which means that you don’t have to step over the side of the tub. Easier access to the bathtub implies that there are fewer chances of you losing your balance or slipping on the floor.

添加a shower

If you have a regular tub at home, consider installing a showerhead, so it’s not difficult for you or other family members to take a bath. If you have enough space, you can add a showerhead instead of replacing your tub. Ask for advice from designers fromrenovation companies Melbourne或伦敦有并告诉他们您的计划。他们可以帮助您实现目标。

Remove the stairs


Install grab bars

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Grab bars can save your life inside the bathroom because it can break your fall, keeping you safe from more severe injuries. You can get a vertical pull bar which has a length-bar that you can adjust and a curved grab bar. The horizontal grab bar is the most common type, which you should install horizontally or vertically, but never at an angle.


When you’re choosing your bathroom fixtures like the sink or tub, avoid those with sharp edges. It can be dangerous if ever someone slips in the bathroom and hits any part of the body on these edges. Go for those with rounded corners because even if you get bruises, it won’t cut your skin open.

Put skid-proof mats on the floor

Get safety bath mats to help your family avoid slipping on the slippery bathroom floor. You can buy the non-skid type, and if you want total comfort, look for products which have soft and quick-drying features.

Improve the lighting

Some accidents occur because people can’t see where they’re going, or maybe they don’t notice that the floor is wet due to poor lighting. Make sure that you have adequate lighting fixtures in your bathroom.

添加recessed lightingFor overall illumination, and have at least two lights in the shower and tub area. Light the vanity area so you can see your reflection clearly as you prepare for a busy day ahead.

Keep dangerous chemicals out of your child’s reach

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If you store your medicine and aFirst-aid浴室里的套件,确保将其放置在安全的地方,您的孩子无法伸手。孩子们有时会感到好奇,如果他们拿到可能摄入的药物,这很危险。

If you also have cleaning agents in the bathroom, put it in a safe place as well. Your wandering child might mistake it for something edible, or spill it on his skin.



Best Gas Efficient Family Car – AUDI A4 Or Honda Fit?

一万年的所有因素看choosing a family car, fuel economy should be right at the top of your checklist. Since low fuel price is just a dream, it’s wise to consider a car that’ll not blow a ton of money on fuel. The best part – you could still say that you’re on a SAVE THE EARTH mission!

Back in the day, fuel-efficient family cars used to have a reputation for being small and underpowered, but with modern technologies, automakers offer best-in-class comfy cars without compromising space, performance, and practicality.

With quite an array of choices, how do you choose a stylish gas sipper for your family? Here is our best bet.

本田FIT 2018

Why should you buy a Honda Fit:Incredibly reliable, superb fuel efficiency, plentiful cargo space, and fluid steering to name a few.

本田合身MPG:36 mpg

Why we chose the Honda Fit:Now that’s a question! This vehicle is a solid proof that an all-around fun, the comfy daily driver can offer good fuel efficiency and uncompromising style. Remember the famous ‘never judge a book by its cover’ quote? It’s absolutely true with this hatchback – the 2018 Honda Fit comes with a surprisingly roomy cabin with spacious legroom in the back.

The Fit has smaller engines and provides better fuel efficiency. In LX models outfitted with the CVT, the本田合身在城市中达到33英里 /加仑,在高速公路上达到40英里 /加仑,这是亚马州类别中最高的评级之一。在手动变速箱中,据说该城市的汽油里程为29英里 /加仑,高速公路为36 mpg。

The subcompact family car has a sharp and fluid steering and fine-tuned suspension. The Honda Sensing Suite – automatic high beams and lane departure warning system – is another biggest reason why we love the 2018 Honda Fit.


Why should you buy Audi A4 Ultra: Because this family hatchback ticks most boxes on the car buying checklist.

奥迪A4 Ultra MPG:31 mpg

Why we chose the Audi A4 Ultra:得益于技术的精致和豪华的吸引力,奥迪A4Ultra能够最终进行切割。它的EPA组合为31(城市为27英里 /加仑,高速公路上的37英里 /加仑)。像所有奥迪型号一样,奥迪A4 Ultra具有时尚的内饰,可以舒适地通勤

Despite its focus on gas mileage, it has best-in-class security features to keep the passengers and pedestrians safe and sound. The pre-sense system is what that makes Audi A4 great. Speaking of the tech-savvy side of the Audi A4, we can’t ignore Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and ‘Virtual Cockpit’ display.

Light steering, plenty of visibility and parking-aid features, and quick response to dabs of the throttle make Audi A4 better than its rivals in ensuring a smooth drive around the city with family.

To wrap up, we do not want to get into ‘Which is the best among two’ debate as both the models have pros and cons. So, it’s up to you to select the best gas mileage car suiting your requirements.

The Importance of an Annual Health Check


All-around check-up

The most important check-up you should do is one with a general practitioner once per year. They will do a complete examination of all of your vital functions and make sure that there aren’t any major issues that need to be addressed immediately. If they do notice something that could be cause for concern, they will refer you to a specialist who will examine you further. You should always be completely honest with your GP. They don’t have too much time to examine you, so you need to tell them if you’ve noticed any problems that they should focus on, like shortness of breath, dizziness, pain or other discomforts. They might also ask you about your lifestyle and give you some tips for improving it.



You might think that visiting your dentist shouldn’t be at the top of your priority list, however, the dentist can discover a lot of health issues just by looking at your teeth and gums. These include infections in the body, diabetes and heart problems. But also – the health of your teeth. This is why you shouldget your teeth troubles sorted in LancasterFor the best treatment services. If any of your teeth are damaged, corroding or inflamed, it could severely impact your diet and lifestyle. In addition, beyond looking for problems that can be nipped in the bud, they might also recommend some new treatments for non-urgent issues which couldn’t be fixed in the past. If you’re an adult with crooked teeth, but you don’t want to wear braces because of their appearance there are optionssuch as Invisalign at Bondi Junction, which is a completely invisible set of braces that can straighten your teeth.

Fitness assessment

Health means nothing if we aren’t fit enough to do things we want. This is why everyone should not only have a regular exercise routine, but also have a fitness assessment every year to see where they stand and whether there’s something they should adjust in their routine. A professional fitness trainer will spend about an hour testing your strength, stamina and flexibility. They will ask you about your workout routine, lifestyle and whether you had any previous injuries. If they find your fitness on a satisfying level, they will give you a thumbs up and perhaps suggest a new routine, if you want to improve further. However, if your fitness isn’t on a high enough level, they will most certainly give you a program that you should stick to and tell you to come back in a few months for a re-assessment.



The last thing you should check (at least) yearly, is your bloodwork. Having your blood analyzed is the best way to spot any potential problems before they start showing symptoms. Have a doctor go over the results and check your sugar and cholesterol levels, iron, potassium and look for any other irregularities. Your GP might ask you to have your blood drawn before coming in, and recommend appropriate actions if any measures need to be taken. These issues can usually be adjusted with dietary changes or by taking some supplements.

Our health should be a priority for us, and no matter how busy our lifestyle is, we need to make time to visit the doctor and check up on our physical health.

Freelancing As A Military Spouse Career Solution


Freelancework essentially means that you work on a contract basis for someone else, performing a task they either do not know how to do or simply may not have time for. Since you are paid by the project, sometimes income can be sporadic, but there are methods to stabilize, like finding regular clients and getting referrals from past clients for new contracts.

The advantage of freelance work is that it can be done anywhere in the world in most cases. You do not have to be nearby your clients at all. Usingcloud servicesand shared hosting platforms, you can share files across the globe, and in some cases work on them simultaneously.

Do What You Know How to Do

Freelancing encompasses several fields and a number of skills. Though it’s by far one of the most common fields for freelancing, you don’t have to be a writer; there are plenty of options in a wide variety of different fields:

  • Writing: This can be anything from web copy to technical manuals and include ghostwriting books and articles, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Website Building: from finding an individual or companydomain name,选择主机和最佳托管类型,创建内容和构建网站的框架,这些任务都可以自由职业者完成。您也可以使用网站建设者(例如Pixpa)create a professional websiteand deliver it to your client.
  • Design: From logo and ad design to many other graphic design tasks, these can all be done remotely.
  • Photography: Freelance photography can be done from almost anywhere. In some instances though, you may have to travel.
  • Artistry: From commissions to do a family portrait, to posting your regular artwork that is sponsored by patrons, drawing or painting is a great pastime that is relaxing, engaging, and can be done anywhere.

You’re not limited to just creative endeavours either. You can do accounting, be a virtual assistant or do nearly any job freelance. With the rise of more remote workers, many companies will even offer you the opportunity to work from home regardless of your position.

Other companies offer customer service or technical advisor type positions you can work at home as well. More than likely, you can use skills you already have to build an at home career. A permanent change of station doesn’t have to be a career killer anymore.

Deploy Yourself (Work Anywhere)


When you find yourself working towards the long-term in certain areas, you can also recruit local clients, and then keep them even if you move. Working for a local business does have some social, and even financial, benefits from time to time, and working in person can help you develop valuable people skills that will help you once military life is behind you and your spouse.

Set yourself up with the supplies you will need for your office even when you move around. Be sure that you have a desk, the technology you need, and when youlook for housing, make sure there is adequate space for you to work in.

Set up Your Mobile Business

You’ll want toset yourself up as an LLC, and that will mean choosing a location, as you don’t want to keep shifting your company every couple of years depending on where you live.

This means you can choose, to a certain extent, where toset up your business。因为你是在军队,你可以这样做either in your home state or a state where you have been stationed. The best first step is to meet with an accountant and see what state may have the best tax advantages to you.

In addition, you may want to consider where you and your spouse plan to settle when you get out of the military, since that may end up being your home state. Think long term, since this may end up being your business for years to come. Just realize you will have to pay taxes and file reports in whatever state you register as your business’ headquarters, regardless of whether you live or own property there or not.

Timing is Everything

When it comes to business, location is often everything in the physical business world, but in the freelance world timing is everything. Getting into the right field at the right time can make a difference between immediate success or a long-term struggle.


此外,能够让时间去工作rom home and meet client deadlines is also a vital part of your formula for success. If you have children or other responsibilities, you need to make sure your schedule will allow you to work enough to handle not only your work week but the additional marketing and other tasks that come with owning any business.

Freelance work is not the ideal for everyone, but for a military spouse who is constantly moving around, it may be the best solution for establishing a career or even just working a job. You have to be smart about it. Do what you know how to do, make sure you can do that work anywhere, set up your business well, and ensure your timing.